Why did we create TFPS?

The support we are trying to collect is for what is sometime referred to as the “Palestine” problem and the effects of the people in that area. This is a particularly controversial issue, full of false narratives and an irreconcilable history.

We are not content creators nor are writers. Rather we will list some of the resources and content we have digested; those which have ultimately led to the creation of this store in support of Palestine.

There are however a few associative declarations we want to clear up in our support of Palestinian rights:

  • We understand the term antisemitism to be grossly misused and misinterpreted in mainstream media. Regardless of its interpretation, we do not support or involve ourselves in antisemitic behavior in any shape or form. Being pro-Palestinian or supportive/sympathetic to the plight of Palestinians is not the same as being antisemitic
  • We do not believe one religion or follower, whether Jewish, Muslim or Christian, is superior to another; nor do we discriminate on that basis.
  • We do not financially support- or condone war crimes by any (terrorist) organisation or state.
  • We are not political scientists or experts and do not purport to have the “answer” to conflict in the middle east; but
  • we do however align very strongly with a permanent ceasefire in the Palestinian territories; and
  • we believe the Zionist agenda and it’s Israelian state to be an illegitimate apartheid state of oppression.
  • In this we echo: Antizionism is not antisemitism