Contribute Artwork

Dear artist community,

Have you been looking for a way to contribute to- or support Palestinian Freedom campaigns? One of the main reasons this online store was created, was to engage with artists and a supportive t-shirt printing company in an effort to create Palestinian support merchandise. By closely aligning our efforts we can create good quality merchandise, at an affordable price, while still being able to segment the majority of the sale towards Palestinian support.

The Free Palestine Shop is a not-for-profit organisation and donate all proceeds to Gift of the Givers. We do our best to find partners with the same support goals and that are willing to keep merchandise as close to manufacturing cost as possible.

Due to the fact that supporting Palestinians is still considered very controversial, we have create an anonymous file upload. Completing personal detail in this form is optional as well as the option for your artwork to be attributed or not.

If the form does not work or you prefer to submit your artwork in another way (e.g. using WeTransfer) your artwork can be submitted to

We thank you in advance for your artwork and look forward to support Palestine with you.